7 Powerful Tips to Help You Meditate Better

Hello everyone! Thank you so much for stopping by and I really hope you all are doing great!

We all are having a tough time during this pandemic time due to COVID-19. I agree with one and all that physical fitness is utmost important. But, at the same time, it is equally essential to give proper care to our mental health as well. And today’s post is dedicated to the same.

For anyone who is reading this blog post, please underline that it will be a great thing if you meditate at this crucial time. Meditation will not only calm down your senses but also provide a complete portion to your cognitive world, in order to strengthen you from within. So, let me share the top 7 meditation tips that one should include in his/her self-examination ritual.

1. Find out which type of meditation suits you best at the moment: As humans, we have different moods, which are designed as per the situations. To give the best meditation tips for beginners, I personally suggest to start with deep breathing and positive thinking. There are many other types of meditations as well like, spiritual, mindfulness, movement, focused, etc. It is only you who can narrow down on to which type suits you best. For the same task, take out some time to spend with yourself and then decide.

2. Kick start the process with a shorter time period: You do not have to show the world how perfect you are when it comes to meditation. And here comes another easy meditation technique, as a beginner make sure to start with a session of five minutes only. Slowly and steadily, you can grow the time duration as you feel the level of mastery you have achieved. You can take up the time duration to as much as possible, depending only on you.

3. Create a beautiful and blissful setting when sitting to meditate: One of the simple meditation tips that I would like to give is, build an enchanted aura around you when meditating. Find a corner in your home, which is your happy place. Keep some scented candles around your asana (a mat or sheet where you sit and meditate) and play a soothing music in the background. Keep an idol in front of you if you are a spiritual person. This brings a smile to your face and positive energies enter your body, mind and soul.

4. Choose the way you are comfortable in: The most easy meditation technique works only when you are comfortable and feels at home within your soul and body. There is no hard and fast rule that you have to practice meditation in a certain way. Do it your way, either by sitting or relaxing on your yoga mat/bed or even a chair. The bottom line here is, you have to be at a happy place.

5. Concentrate on your breathing throughout the process: The procedure of meditation benefits more when your breathing is the showstopper. It is okay to wander in between the mediation process, but if that glitch enters the scenario, shift your mind immediately towards your breathing pattern. It is way too important to follow your breathing in order to relax your mind within no time.

6. Take the entire process slow, as per your convenience: It is a good habit to meditate each day but you do not have to be rigid with the decision at the same time. Meditation benefits when you are ready to do it from within. It is not necessary to take out time each day (even if you can’t afford or feel tired) and maintain the consistency of the process. Do not overwork your body, mind and soul for no reason.

7. Pen down before and after effects of meditation: This will act like your portfolio that shows how you mastered the beautiful art of meditation. Write down how you feel before the meditation process and after practicing the procedure. You can also guide the new people who want to meditate in the perfect way possible. You can be their mode of information all this while.

These were the 7 meditation tips for beginners from my lot. I am too into meditation from past many years and wanted to share some of the tips with all of you. This will help you fight the negative thoughts, which are emerging constantly, especially during this hard time.

I really hope you enjoyed reading this blog post. Do share your tips for meditating in the comments section below. I would like to read your style for meditation.

As always thank you so much for taking out time and reading my blog.

Always keep smiling, it makes you look beautiful!

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