My Jug is SHE #DearZindagi

Friend is a person. On whom you rely 24 X 7. Friend is a human, who laughs out loud on your silly jokes. But it is truly very hard to find a True Friend. Today is the time, wherein I am going to talk about my Jug, my friend, my bestie and what else? Ok, you can say my everything.

We both do not talk endlessly for hours but can each other’s’ mind well. She is just like me, so we do not have to bother much as far as the tag of understanding is concerned. Ila Garg is her name and she is my Jug for life. We celebrate so many similarities, which cannot be jotted down in few pages. In fact, I can’t jot down everything, the page number will go where, I really don’t know.

We met as merely colleagues but now we share a strong bond. We have come to know each other so well in just 6 months. The most unique thing, which I share with ila is my birthday. Yes! You read that right, people. We both share our birthdays, 6th June. Of course, the year of birth differs.

We laugh together, we speak together (exact same words, mind it) and we party together. Now that I have told you about most common similarities between us, let me now pour some light on why I consider her my Jug. I am sure even you guys want to know about it?

Life comes to you in the way that you will never expect it to come. I myself wanted to join the radio industry and build my career as a Music Manager. But I guess god was not happy with my decision. I never ever dreamt in my life that I will be entering the content and publishing industry. At first, I worked as a content writer and now as an editor. It is very ironical that I always used run from writing and now my whole life revolves around the same thing.

To make you believe more, let me tell you that I have only written this post. So, I was into content from 4-5 years now and I didn’t realise it. But anyway, I just wanted to portray what you wish for never happens and what happens with you it can’t enter your dreams ever.

Ila is that friend who loves me like a lover, scolds me like a mother, pampers me like a father and acts like a best friend. She has made me learnt so many life lessons. I am a negative person and in return she teaches me how to discard negativity from my blood. She is a pure soul, who makes me laugh till I go breathless. She is mature enough to tackle a child like me at any point of time in my life.

I can write on and on for her but I guess this much information is enough for you to understand who is my Jug and how Jug made me stronger and kind person, both mentally and physically.

PS: “am writing about Jug in my life for the #DearZindagi activity at BlogAdda“.

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