Hey everyone! I hope you all doing great and thanks for your visit!!

Today’s post is all about favorites from the year 2014. I was planning to do this post from very long time and finally I’m able to publish it before the end of 2014. I usually get these questions about what are my favorites and secrets behind my skin and nails. Well!! I don’t think I do anything special but yes I love caring a lot about my skin.

So in this post, I've lined up 11 products which are my all time favorite from 2014 kit. Almost 98% of the products mentioned below have been purchased in this year only. I love them all and now these are in my favorite list. Let’s get to know what my favorites from 2014 are:
  • Hands and Nails

ORIFLAME NATURE SECRETS HAND CREAM for sensitive skin (jojoba & mango): You all know how much I love pampering my nails and hands. For this reason, recently I've developed some extreme love for hand creams. Currently I’m using one from Oriflame which I always carry in my bag. I just can’t live without a hand cream. This hand cream smells delicious and does perfect job in nourishing your nails and hands. You can read the review here

DIY CUTICLE OIL: And when I’m talking about my nails, how can I forget about cuticle oil?? Some few months ago I experimented with some oils and came up with my very own DIY cuticle oil. It worked superbly on my nails with positive results. If you want to keep your nails healthy, long and strong, you need to apply some cuticle oil or any other oil to maintain the beauty of your nails. DIY cuticle oil recipe will be up soon on my blog, so keep a watch out. 

ZOYA NAIL ENAMEL (SHADE: KALI): Being a nail art lover, it is impossible that I won’t mention any nail enamel in this post. Pink is every girl’s color and so is mine. I love this shade from zoya and it dries fast, which I love the most. Read the review here.
  • Body and Skin Care

GIA BATH AND BODY WORKS BODY COCOA BODY BUTTER: Heaven really do exist in this world!! If you use Gia Bath & Body Works products, you’ll surely agree with me. For skin care, this brand is my all time favorite. I've been using its body butter from some time and the results just made me fall in love with this brand. It leaves your skin soft, healthy and moisturized and smells heavenly delicious. You can read the review here.

THE BODY SHOP STRAWBERRY SHOWER GEL: Another skin care product which I absolutely love is TBS Strawberry Shower Gel. This is my all time favorite shower gel and fragrance is a divine. Do try it if you haven’t, because you are missing something really awesome. Read the review here.

BIO CARE STRAWBERRY SCRUB: Another body care product, body scrub. This smells delicious and works great. It leaves your skin nourished, healthy, smooth and hydrated. Read the review here.

H2O+ SEA MOSS REPLENISHING BODY LOTION: A must have for all those who love pampering themselves. Body lotions are necessary so keep your skin happy, hydrated, nourished and healthy. And I love this body lotion a lot. Review is pending and will be up soon.
  • Face

JOHNSONS BABY CREAM: I know this sounds childish but I do use johnsons baby products. My skin is sensitive and I think this is the perfect brand for my skin type. I love to be cuddled and when treated like a small baby. Yay!!!
  • Lips

MAYBELLINE BABY LIPS LIP BALM: Who doesn't want their lips to be hydrated and protected and when you get a lip balm which has 20 SPF, nobody will say no to it. I’m a great fan of Maybelline baby lips lip balms and I currently own 3 of them. Yuppiiee!!! Read the review here.

COLORESSENCE LIPSTICK (SHADE: FUSHIA GLAM): Oh my my!! What a pretty shade this is. This is perfect for fall and winter seasons and looks absolutely gorgeous on lips. After wearing this shade, I got so many compliments and I know the review is pending, ahh!! It’ll be up soon guys!! :D
  • Eyes

LAKME EYECONIC BLUE: A kajal completes every queen’s look in a stroke. And I think no girl would like to leave her house without applying kajal. And this one is my current favorite after Maybelline colossal kajal. Read the review here.

Which was your favorite from my 2014 favorites list? I hope you enjoyed this fun post which includes my favorite. Do share your 2014 favorites with me in the comments below.

As always thank you so much for taking out time and reading my blog.

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  1. Great compilation. You must try babylips electropop range. You will love them......


    1. Thanks a lot love.. yes I'll trying those babies as well!!

  2. Hey Kanika I planned a similar post for my blog and you did that before me :(

    Anyway, I liked seeing your favourites list because I found a beautiful coloressence lippie shade and yes a cute thing about you (the Johnson's product love) ;)

    My favourite items from 2014 is the maybelline etectro pops and garnier apricot scrub. I'll be reviewing both the products soon on my blog.

    1. Awwww thanks love.. I'll be waiting for all your posts.. would love to read them n ur favs too..

  3. Awesome compilation Babe! I loved Baby Lips Nd Bio Care Scrub...Totally loved them! Would love to give H20 lotion a try...

    Wishing you a happy new year in advance!


    1. Thanks a lot dear.. glad u like it.. i love those products a lot as u do hun..
      Wishing u too a beautiful happy new yr.. :)

  4. Wow zoya nail color looks so pretty. i too loved baby lips!

    1. Me too di... yay.. thank u sooooooooo much di.. :*

  5. I love baby lips too :D And yeah, the TBS shower gel looks tempting :D Lovely post dear :)

