10 Tips to Keep your Intimate Area Clean

Hey, girlies! I hope you all are doing great and thank you so much for stopping by! πŸ’“

Today, I am going to discuss a topic, which is not widely covered. We, Indians, feel very shy to talk about these things and there will always be a taboo about it. πŸ™†For every female out there, it is of utmost important to take care of your intimate area, the vagina. In this blog post, I am going to share 10 tips to do the same. Without wasting any time further, let's get started.

Never use soap to clean that area

This is a BIG no girlies. You need to start using a suitable product in order to clean your vagina. You will be able to find many intimate washes in the market. But, make sure to select the one, which is best for you. Talk to the sales girl and she will help you fetch the correct one for you. The harshness of the soaps can harm that sensitive area, so better care for it.

Make a note to change sanitary pads after 4-6 hours

I am sure this is not at all followed! This needs to be followed when you are experiencing heavy flow. This would prevent your area from rashes and bad odour. Further, your skin can lead to various infections, which I am pretty sure you are not interested to welcome at all.

Have safe intimacy moments, SEX

We all know how stupid it is to have unprotected sex. You must have heard the cases around you, where the couple did not practice and they land up having HIV. I am sure you do not want that, right? Apart from this issue, there might be many skin infections as well, which you can tend to have. It is always safe to have safe sex and live a healthy life.

No tight clothing, please πŸ™

Many oh-so-hot and sexy girls want to portray how sensuous they look in fitted clothes but at the same time, it is not at all good for your vagina. Wear clothes, in which you feel comfortable. I personally do not have a single piece of attire, which is skin fitted. I have been told by my girlfriends to try something new, but I am very much happy the way I am.

That area should not be dipped in fragrance

Now, you have to understand that fragrance riched products are good for your skin, hair and body. It is enough for you to give that intimate area a good wash by only using water and a suitable intimate wash. You do not have to go for fragrance poured products for that matter. Please do not play with your skin to such an extreme level like this.

Facing an issue, visit a gynaecologist

Do not even try to be your gyne. You will end up creating a mess and this I am telling you from the females around me. If ever, you face any issues, as there are many obstacles that might come your way, just book an appointment and let her decide what is best for you. Frankly speaking, be very open to your doctor while conversing about the issues, it will be of great help.

Wipe your vagina from front to back

Always make sure you wipe after toilet usage. This keeps that area clean, hygienic and the area is wet. I know this is hard to practice at home but try to do it. This practice will help you gift the vagina a better place to be.

Say no to shave that area

First thing first, there is actually no need to get rid of that pubic hair. Researchers have shown that the pubic hair acts as a net/shield, which protects your vagina against any harmful chemicals and injuries. If you shave down there, please stop immediately, you might end you causing skin injuries for no reason. If you still want that area to be clean, make sure you go for bikini waxing. And here, double-check if whatever products and instruments they are using are thoroughly cleaned.

Wash your hands every time you use the toilet

No matter if you are on periods or not, wash your hands. This ensures cleanliness to the core and no infections can touch your skin. Personally, I clean that area thoroughly before going to bed. By doing this, I really get a stress-free sleep and my intimate area also feels good and healthy.

Clean your vagina after sex

This might be hard to do for some as you want to lean down in your partner's arms and relax for some time. But, this needs to be taken care of as you want the vagina to be healthy. Make this a habit and once you are okay with the procedure, I am sure you are never going to miss cleaning that area without fail.

I really hope you enjoyed reading this post. Do share your views and experiences in the comments below.

As always thank you so much for taking out time and reading my blog.

Always keep smiling, it makes you look beautiful!

Disclaimer: All the images are taken from www.google.com

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